Shane Terry |

February, 2020

Dear Valued Investor:

The start of 2020 has brought increased stock market volatility. The uncharacteristically calm market environment we

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Shane Terry |

Dear Valued Investor:

Happy New Year! What a difference a year makes. One year ago the stock market was plunging and came perilously close to ending what has

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Shane Terry |

​Hindsight is 20/20, but finding clarity in future uncertainty can be fuzzy.

AT LPL RESEARCH, as we look forward to the year 2020 and a new decade, some key
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Shane Terry |

Dear Valued Investor:

Turning the calendar from October to November brought more than trick-or-treaters, pumpkins, and leaves to rake. It also brought a wave

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Shane Terry |

October 3, 2019

Dear Valued Investor:

Summer has turned to fall, and there’s already a little chill in the air. Three-quarters of the year is behind us now

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Shane Terry |

September 4, 2019

Dear Valued Investor:

The Dog Days of Summer were on full display this past month, as a variety of concerns pushed stocks and bond yields

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shane@terrywea… |

The terms bull and bear market are used to describe how stock markets are doing in general—that is, whether they are appreciating or depreciating in value. At

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Shane Terry |

August 5, 2019

Dear Valued Investor:

This summer has been interesting. Thus far, temperatures have been at a maximum for much of the country, while typical

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Shane Terry |

Dear Valued Investor:

Trade tensions have interrupted an unusually calm year in U.S. stocks. In May, the S&P 500 Index fell from an April 30 record high as the

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